A message from Cathy West

Thank you on behalf of Jim

It is now just over eight weeks since Jim’s funeral, and the collection in his name has been closed. £1,600 was raised which will be shared between GY Basketball and Childline. This is an amazing amount and I would like to thank everyone for their generous donations.

Thank you to everyone who attended his funeral and reception, or watched the service by video link, for the cards and kind words that have been said and the messages left on the Club website.

So many of you have thanked Jim for what he did for you, I would like to thank you for what you did for him. He loved the Drill Hall sessions and being with you, seeing you start learning the game as kids and watching you become adults. I thought I knew most of what went on, but must admit “No blood, no foul” was news to me. Even on the days he came home in a right strop because you had been playing him up he loved every minute of his time with you, and was proud of you all.

I wish you happiness and success in everything you do.

Love Cathy xx


The passing of a legend